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Digital Literacy Programs and thier importance

Digital literacy is becoming an increasingly important issue as technology continues to evolve, from smartphones to smartwatches, the struggle begins with those who have been left behind with technology.

As a volunteer computer tutor, I have seen my fair share of people who have been left behind with technology and cannot even do basic tasks like reporting their work hours, simply because they haven’t been trained on how to do it, and companies don’t have the time to provide it.

Computer skills have become a core skill along with reading and writing, and many people don’t know where to start. This is where Digital Literacy Programs come into the picture.

The struggle begins with those who have been left behind with technology.

What is a Digital Literacy Program?

Digital Literacy programs are places that provide digital literacy training for people who need it. These programs can be held in places like libraries, or they could be online resources for self training online.

These programs give people the fundamental skills they need to unlock the power of using technology, a good place to start looking for these types of programs is your local library.

Technology allows us to do so many things, apply for jobs, fill out timesheets, check our bank account’s balance, pay bills online, check the weather, order pizza, and so much more, it’s all of our responsibility to teach and train others to have these skills, and the companies that adopt these systems in their business should have the responsibility of training their staff as well.


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